
What’s This All About?

Welcome to the reference site for LAZY DAZE (LD) Motor Homes. This site was created to consolidate answers to questions frequently asked about LDs on the Lazy Daze forum.

The forum is the meeting place on the Internet for LD owners (LDers), and wannabe owners, to come together and discuss all types of things associated with buying, selling, owning, maintaining, modifying, living in, and traveling in their LDs. Naturally, that also includes LDers discussing a lot of associated topics like buying and/or making things that are needed, or just wanted, to add to the enjoyment of their LDs. It is a very active forum, with a large, and diverse, amount of information being posted there daily. That is the good news.

Often new forum members tend to ask the same questions that have been asked many times before, and even LD owners who have been forum members for a while will ask questions about a topic that has also been discussed many times before because they did not “catch” the previous discussion on the forum at the time it occurred or they can not locate the information in the message archives. This Lazy Daze Companion attempts to capture answers and comments to many of the items discussed on the forum. A major part of it is drawn from posts made on the forum, but it also includes information from other sources.

Contributions, comments, suggestions, corrections are always welcome to improve the usefulness of this resource. Direct them to the moderator of the LD forum.

Getting Started: Paging through this Blog is not the intended way to use it as the articles are in no order. You have to rely on using the Labels shown in the right margin.

The lawyers wanted this: 

1) This site is not affiliated with Lazy Daze Inc.

2) This site is an assembly of comments from many people.  The people who have assembled these comments into this forum have not checked or verified these comments, and accept no responsibility therefor.  This site is intended solely to facilitate the finding of comments that have been previously posted elsewhere.  Users should read the content with a clear understanding that some of the comments contained herein may not be applicable to every situation with safety.  Users should exercise caution and judgment in using this resource.