
Monday, November 20, 2017

Tire Pressure Management Systems (TPMS)

Tire Pressure Management Systems (TPMS)

The following discussion was compiled from a long thread about TPMS on the Lazy Daze Owners' Group forum. Various TPMS brands have been bolded.

We have TPMS from Tire Safeguard. Flow through for LD and not for the toad. Have been very satisfied, especially with the telephone support when monitors got out of sync and technical spent about 1/2 hour helping to re-sequence. Kudos.


From Technomadia:

Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) for RVs - Why the EEZTIRE is Our...

We recently purchased the TireTracker system at a Rally in Indiana. It is a different system compared to one pictured in the link. We haven't installed it yet but plan to do so in the very near future, It was an expensive purchase but something we just felt we couldn't live without any longer. It has some features we liked including a notification when tire temp suddenly changes, alerting the driver to a potential problem. Jeff from RV safety came across as knowledgeable and credible at the various rally presentations he made on safety.  

I would not be without one.  I have been happy with my PressurePro TPMS.  It has been on for 9 years now. I bought it before I took delivery of my '08, and have had the sensors, with non-replaceable batteries, in place since then.  Around year 2, I had a sensor go bad.  It was replaced, no cost, under warranty.  At 7 years, in very cold weather, I had a sensor (1 of 10) that would be slow to register, and would occasionally lose its connection to the monitor.  So, with 7 years on the sensors and an expected life of 5 years, I replaced all the sensors.  I am at 9 years on the system, with no other issues.  As Larry said about his system, programming the sensors is annoying but other than needing to press the buttons just right, is not onerous, particularly since I have only needed to do it a few times in 9 years.

I should note that I set my tire pressure with a digital pressure gauge.  That gauge agrees with the two analog gauges on my compressor, e.g., I can set them at 80 psi, let the compressor charge the tire, then check the tire and I read 80 psi.  However, the reading reported by the sensors can vary by several pounds.  That really doesn't matter, because the sensors are intended to measure and report a CHANGE in tire pressure.  They do a good job of that, and as the programming is individual sensor rather than group programming, if a number reading is off by a few pounds, that is of no consequence.  A loss of pressure on one sensor will be reported as quickly as a loss of pressure on another and is a function of percentage pressure change.  There is an old expression - "Man with one watch knows the time.  Man with two watches never sure."  As the sensors are highly reliable in detecting and reporting pressure changes, but not as much in reporting actual pressure, I do not use them to set my tire pressure.  I make the tire pressure right and use the tire pressure to set the sensor.

My TPMS, PressurePro, does not require a pre-departure scan.  Once I turn it on, it takes a few minutes before every sensor "logs in" to the monitor.  Once they do log in, any low values set off an alarm.  Pressures are subsequently checked by the sensors every few seconds.  If a pressure falls outside of the range, an alarm is immediately sent to the monitor.  If all is ok, each sends pressure information to the monitor every few minutes.  It is no distraction unless an alarm goes off, but that is something I would want to know.

In 9 years of full timing, I have gotten one alarm from a failed sensor, and I have seen a number of first things AM alarms where a tire pressure is down a few pounds, due to the cold weather overnight.  The pressure in the low tire is displayed, allowing me to decide if I need to pull out my compressor, or if it is OK to roll.  Case in point, currently my TOAD pressures are reading 29 to 30 in the morning, and I usually take them up to 33.  So, the alarm goes off, I look at the readings, and I silence the alarm.  It will repeat in a few minutes if the pressure stays low, but usually, a mile of driving brings the pressure up to my "OK" range.

When you check the pressure in the morning before starting out, you travel, knowing ONLY what the pressure USED to be.  With a TPMS, you know what the pressure is, all the time.  For some, they see no need for a TPMS.  I would not travel without one.

My TPMS, PressurePro, does not require a pre-departure scan.  Once I turn it on, it takes a few minutes before every sensor "logs in" to the monitor.  Once they do log in, any low values set off an alarm.  Pressures are subsequently checked by the sensors every few seconds.  If a pressure falls outside of the range, an alarm is immediately sent to the monitor.  If all is ok, each sends pressure information to the monitor every few minutes.  It is no distraction unless an alarm goes off, but that is something I would want to know.

In 9 years of fulltiming, I have gotten one alarm from a failed sensor, and I have seen a number of first thing AM alarms where a tire pressure is down a few pounds, due to the cold weather overnight.  The pressure in the low tire is displayed, allowing me to decide if I need to pull out my compressor, or if it is OK to roll.  Case in point, currently my TOAD pressures are reading 29 to 30 in the morning, and I usually take them up to 33.  So, the alarm goes off, I look at the readings, and I silence the alarm.  It will repeat in a few minutes if the pressure stays low, but usually a mile of driving brings the pressure up to my "OK" range.

When you check the pressure in the morning before starting out, you travel, knowing ONLY what the pressure USED to be.  With a TPMS, you know what the pressure is, all the time.  For some, they see no need for a TPMS.  I would not travel without one.

Ken F 

TST (Truck System Technologies). We have used this system for a number of years on two RV's. Works just fine. I change the batteries each Spring simply to avoid having to change them on the road should they fail. Much easier to do at home at my convenience with all the tools I might need.

TST 507 Flow Thru Kit - Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems - Truck System...

"How much space does the read out gizmo take on the dashboard?  He has a Scan Gauge up there now."
Can't speak to all brands, of course, but the general answer to your question is 'not much'. Perhaps an area say 3' long by 1" deep. And it doesn't have to be right in front of the driver's eyes either, especially if there is a passenger to keep an eye on it now and then. I have a Scan Gauge, GPS and a TPMS and they all get together just fine.

"Can the sensors be put on if one has the air-thru filler valves, or do these sensors replace the filler valves?"
The sensors replace the valve stem cap.

"Limited physical acuity will probably preclude self-installation, unless it is really easy to do.  What sort of dealer (tire?) should we contact, if needed?"As long as a person in your group can check the tire pressure now, they can install any of the TPMS systems. You just remove the existing cap and screw these in their place. However, sometimes, depending on the type of decorative wheel covers you have, the length of the valve stem and the size of the sensor, it may be necessary to enlarge the hole on the cover to accommodate the sensor. I had to do this to the two front wheel covers on my 2015. The holes simply were not large enough. Now I could have added a short extension to the valve stem to get it further out, but I really didn't want too. A drill with an abrasive attachment made quick work of making the hole larger. Plus I'm guessing that some of the metal I ground off would help offset the additional weight of the sensor.

The first set of sensors we had did not have the flow-through stem feature. Before every trip,  I like to get the tire pressures balanced because tires simply lose air over time. With the old system, I had to take all the sensors off to do this.  Doable, but a PITA. The ones I have now have the flow-through stem so, before each trip, I just check the tire pressure with my gauge and use my pump to get everything just as I want it. A very convenient, time-saving feature.


Hello all,
I had the experience yesterday of having a tire blow out on my Lazy Daze 26.5.  It was the left outer tire that blew as I hit something on the way south on I95.  I saw it and had tried to avoid it but no luck.  My TireTraker system did exactly what it was supposed to.  It started flashing a bright red light and beeping loudly warning me that I was losing pressure very quickly.  I have a hearing loss and I was still able to hear it quite clearly.  I drove slowly to the next exit and had the spare put on the camper.  While the spare was being installed (for $25) we got to witness the Eclipse within six miles of the center of the path.

Fortunately, I had ordered a TireTraker system last week and had it installed the night before I had the tire problem.  This is the first trip I have made with the TPMS and I am sure glad I had it.  Being able to check on what pressure was in which tire and see the individual temperatures is very helpful.  I am now a believer in TPMS systems and their value to RVers.  Had I not known what happened I would have had to pull off to inspect the damage and the traffic was VERY heavy going south on I95 in South Carolina at the time.  Stopping on the highway would have been a very dangerous option but I did not have to thanks to the TireTraker system.

I bought a TireTraker because I had heard about it from some close RVer friends who have had one for many years.  In the latest issue of an RV magazine, they reviewed all of the popular systems including the one I bought.  It was very easy to install as the manual was quite complete and easy to follow.  One of the reasons I bought this system is that the individual sending units attach directly to the end of the tire valve stem and weigh less than 1/2 an ounce.  I can add sending units when pulling a trailer. No having to remove a tire from rims or anything like other TPMS equipment I have seen.  The batteries are cheap and plentiful and can be changed without removing the sending units.  It is a well thought out system and I am sure glad I had put it on when I did.

When I purchased my system I was told by the representative of TireTraker that I would need their "Repeater transmitter" as our RV's have an aluminum skin.  That may be true with a trailer but the basic system worked just fine on my 26.5 LD and the signal strength was fine in my vehicle.

This little device made a potentially bad experience into a manageable one.  It kept me from having to stop on a crazy busy road and risking an accident.  It protected my family and my dear little Lazy Daze RV. That made it worth every penny it cost, to me.

I hope you never experience a blow out at speed as it gets exciting fast.  Having safety equipment like the TireTraker makes my confidence level go up a notch while cruising along at 70 mph on a busy highway.

I really liked how simple the TireTraker was to install. I installed the batteries on the sensors and screwed them on in place of the caps on the tire valve stems.  Next, I programmed the controller by identifying each sensor, it took less than two minutes to finalize the programming on the system.  I spent less than 10 minutes installing the entire system (including the repeater) myself and getting it setup.
My system uses a battery inside the receiver which will last for a month of everyday use they tell me.  The kit includes a charging adaptor that uses the cigarette lighter or you can use a USB port to charge it up.  The receiver is smaller than my iPhone 6.  One negative on the TireTraker is that you cannot leave the system plugged in continuously, the instructions tell you to charge it regularly but don't leave it plugged in 24/7.  The battery can be overcharged and damaged if left charging continuously.

The kit has a dashboard mount but I used a piece of Velcro to hold it in place.  In the kit are included a set of locks to secure the sensors from thieves if you feel it is warranted.  

Overall I have been very impressed with the quality of the TireTraker kit and it works great!  I have looked at several of the competitors and they all seem to be very nice as there are several ways to get the same information.I am handicapped and don't bend very well as I crushed five discs in my lower back.  Even with my limitations, it was very easy to install and setup.
Having a serious hearing loss I had to find a device that would get my immediate attention in times of emergency.   The receiver has a little red lite that flashes very brightly as well as a loud beeper.  When it went off I was immediately aware even with my limitations.

Safety equipment is a "must have", and since I do most of the maintenance on my vehicle it had to be simple to maintain as well for me to buy one.  There are some nice systems out there and I came close to buying a system with the blow through sensors but decided against it as it would require shorter valve extensions or having pressure pushing on the extension mounts.  I really did not want to have to remove wheels to install parts.  The system I have made it as easy as checking the pressure, just change the caps and the installation was practically done.  The programming was easier than putting the sensor caps on.

I am happy with my purchase and feel it was the best option for me.  I hope that you folks that are in the market for a TPMS have an experience like mine has been.  Life should be so simple all the time.  Good luck and safe travels.

Chris McCloskey

Like you, I too have the TST 507 flow thru...I just this year replaced the batteries, even tho they were still working fine..just thought that nearly three years of use might be pushing it, and wanted to do the replacements before needed, at my leisure...grin. 

I'm very happy with the system--and love the temp as well as pressure readings. Keeps me informed what temps are running especially when driving in the south west in 110 plus weather. 

I just had a "loss of air" on the infamous inside passenger tire..the alarm told me instantly there was an me stopped asap. 
The system has paid for itself several times over. 

Gini Free

Our Doran RV360 is still working fine after five years.

I wouldn't want to travel without it working.


I have the RV 360 as well. This trip west is had trouble with two sensors intermittently losing contact with the receiver.  I called the company and they confirmed my belief the batteries are getting weak.  The sensor life can be prolonged by (being more diligent than I) taking the sensors off when the RV is not in use.  I've had the system for 4-5 years.  I purchased extra sensors for the Subaru. I need to get metal stems for the car before adding the cars to the system. 

John DeCrema

Ed  G

Do you use a repeater with your setup, Ed?


No. Not on our '08 MB and not on the TK. Never had a reception problem so far.
But I only have the sensors on the camper, not on the Jeep. The wheel style on my Jeep doesn't have holes large enough for the sensor without me adding an extension to each tire, which I rather not do.

I just keep the rear view camera on while driving and watch for black smoke which might indicate a flat tire on the Jeep. 

Ed 111 

We have the EEZ TPMS and tow a Subaru.  The monitor picks all 10 sensors within a few minutes and we've not lost a connection once it's turned on.  In other words, does not need a repeater.  This system gives us PSI and temperature readings for each tire with the capacity to change settings.  I'm liking this.

Ed G

If one gets the type of TPMS that plugs into a cigarette-lighter-style 12V outlet, the only installation that might be required are all metal valve stems and toad.  The monitor for the TPMS can just sit in a drink holder or some other pocket that can be reached by the cord.  They alarm if there is an issue, so you don't need to have the monitor "front and center" to watch for problems.  

For the dualies on the coach, you'll want to get the stems from someplace like Borg or Tireman, for the toad we used Discount Tire.  You do not want to attach the weight of the TPMS sensors to the end of a rubber stem or flexible extender; you want solid metal valve stems (and in the case of the inner rear duallies, you want the stems supported by a stabilizer as they stick through the outer dual rims). 

We generally advise against Camping World touching anything on a coach (although there is a handful of CWs that we have heard aren't bad.  That hasn't been our experience).

Michelle Cook

In response to Chip, the TPMS I purchased and am trying to decide whether to keep or return is a TireMinder Smart TPMS that uses one's phone for displaying tire data and alerts. It's a fairly new model.

The valve cap pressure sensors communicate with a TireMinder module that can be placed anywhere in the cab and which then communicates with one's phone via Bluetooth. Assuming it works, I like this approach because it means one less screen in the cab.

Also, the TireMinder module alone will signal an alarm with just a tone and a light. You thus can check the data on your phone only when needed, not having it as a constant presence, and distraction. This is much like how factory installed TPMS works on most cars.

Our LD is a 2003 26.5' Rear Bath and we tow a Jeep Wrangler.     

Terry Burnes

I use the TireMinder system.   Having worked as a Test Engineer in a past life I have a bit of understanding of lab vs real world situations.  I will not nor am I able to defend any company but having said that most folks don't read the spec sheets or have expectations of equipment that the company will never meet.  

For instance, I did not install the wireless booster so I expect that I will lose signal from the transmitters.  Also, there will be interference from assorted other wireless transmitters that a boosterless system will not be able to overcome.    Having read the spec sheet I understand the system is accurate to plus or minus 3%.  In the real world on my standard tire pressure of 75, it can read anywhere from 72 to 78 and still be within the range of 'normal'.  When you toss in the tire gauge itself you could have an error of another 2 to 5%.  If the 'errors' go in the 'wrong' direction you could have an error of 8% or more - meaning tire reading with your tire gauge could be plus or minus of 6 pds on my standard 75 tire pressure ie 69 to 81. 

So the question is should I buy a TPMS.  Frankly, I use my system because I'm lazy.    I will know when a tire goes flat - I'm very sure of that.  I use the system to 'check' the air pressure before I drive off.  Yes, there is a cheaper way, like going around with a tire pressure gauge but like I said I'm lazy.  This ensures in my personal life I 'check'.  My recommendation --  If you don't have an extra 300 to 400 dollars and you ALWAYS  check tire pressures before you drive off to save your money.  

Glen (colddog)

Other than the recent blowout, we have had a couple slow leaks. I'm more concerned about our toad's tires, there is no way of knowing what is going other than the view from the camera.

I know several LD owners who had flats on their toads and never knew about it until they could see smoke or passing motorist flagged them down. 
One toad burned to the ground. Preventing this alone made the purchase

One thing I love about the TPMS is NOT having to daily manually check the tire pressure, It takes about ten seconds to scroll through the ten tires, on the TPMS's monitor. It a real pleasure to use on a cold, rainy morning. 
Not having to manually check the pressure prevent any air from being lost, during the checking, which can add up on a long trip and require adding air. I rarely add air while on the road.

I would not want a system that uses my cell phone as it's monitor, preferring it to be completely stand-alone, so nothing needs to be done other than turning on the ignition. Make it as easy on yourself as possible is my logic. YMMV


Our TPMS-TireMinder TM66 has a wireless Signal Booster. Prior to setting up the booster when I originally installed the system, I got several "warnings" of both air pressure and temperature failures. 

Since activating the booster, I have had no false warnings and one warning of a lost signal from a sensor (battery failure). 

If the rig has been sitting in the driveway for a couple of weeks or more, I will check each tire manually. I use an analog tire pressure gauge manufactured for TireMinderwhich is stated to be within +/- 1 psi accuracy. The TM66 itself is stated to be within +/- 2.7 psi. This would suggest that there could be a variance of +/- 4.7psi. Is it perfectly accurate? Probably as good as others, I suppose. I have no issues with the system other than those I have mentioned.

While traveling, I rely on the TM66 monitor to determine air pressure before hitting the road. 

ONE THING: TireMinder states that a Scan of the Sensors be taken prior to departure. The manufacturer states that if the rig has been stationary for more than 9 hours a scan is needed to update the accuracy of the TPMS. It's a simple matter of pressing two buttons on the monitor and waiting about 20 minutes before departure. Then I check each tires pressure/temp via the monitor. Easily done and part of my travel routine.

I am not certain if other TPMS's need a pre-departure scan but it would seem to be a prudent action to take. If for nothing else, a little peace of mind.


We started using a TPMS (Pressure Pro) in 2011.  We had a situation earlier where we discovered low pressure in a toad tire that turned out to be a nail, and if we hadn't noticed the low-ish looking tire, we likely would have done damage.  That tire needed repair, and a TPMS would have shown that slow leak.

Our initial experience with PressurePro was frustrating.  One seal kept causing a tire to leak down.  We got new seals.  Another sensor failed bizarrely reading very HIGH pressures (in a construction zone.  In a torrential downpour).  The sensor continued to send odd readings even when removed from the wheel.  Tap it on the counter and the reading would change.  Pressure Pro had never heard of such a thing.

After replacing that sensor (and the seals in all the others), the system has been solid.  It actually alerted us to yet another nail in a toad tire.  We replaced all sensors in 2016 since a couple started failing (internal batteries).
At a minimum, we would always have a TPMS for a toad.  We also like having it for the coach.  Now, you do need to make sure you have one-piece metal valve stems on any wheel that has a TPMS sensor, and support any long stems with a proper stabilizing grommet (e.g. if you get Borg stems for the rear duals and they stick out through the holes in the outer duals).

Our research showed non-replaceable battery sensors were a little lighter than those with replaceable batteries, so that's how we chose our TPMS.  Less stress on the valve stems.  When the current sensors start to fail we'll revisit the TPMS options at that time.

N.B. - Valterra has purchased Minder Research, the makers of TireMinder.

Michelle Cook

I don't understand why you would remove them for manual air checks? That is one of the main purposes for having them. In the case of the LD, we use flow-through sensors and they are never removed except to replace batteries. On the Subaru, we use the non-flow through so they are removed when we have to air up the tires. While we should remove sensors when parked for any extended time to preserve the battery we never remove them. So, for over 9 years now we have had TPMS on our LD. 

On our previous model the Doran RV 360 we had battery failures which required the sensors be replaced. On the EEZ RV model, we have used since Jan 2014 we have had one sensor fail to work properly that was replaced under warranty and other than that no air loss because of a sensor.

The only alarms we have had are the occasional beep if the monitor temporarily loses a sensor. That is partly my fault because I don't have a regular schedule for replacing batteries. Recently, I set up the repeater to see if that completely eliminates that from happening but have only used it once so can't comment on that.

For me, TPMS is just another form of insurance and convenience. In my case, I hated checking air pressures every time we headed out.

All that said, I agree, that they aren't perfect but it works for us.

Jim C

Our Doran RV360 TPSM is almost five years old, with two of the sensors replaced due to failure. It has worked, without failing, since new and has stayed accurate

A repeater was added early on after losing contact, at times, with the inside dual tires.

The biggest problems have been the difficulty of programming and the limited pressure differential range. The Jeep's oversize tires often alarm low, on cold mornings, and can have a high-pressure alarm the same day, if driving on a hot day.
I have compared the Doran's accuracy to several digital pressure gauges and the sensors are within a pound or two of being the same. The Doran updates very quickly, even after being off overnight or days, useful for when adding air, which isn't very often.Not losing air every day, while testing, and tight Michelin tires, let us go for weeks or longer without adding air. In fifteen years, I have never used our 12-volt compressor, on the road, ordinarily airing up at home. I should plug it in some time to see if it still works :-)

The Doran's biggest fault is the non-replaceable batteries. On the plus side, 8 of the 10 sensors are still good after five years. I know folks, with TPMSs, that have needed to start changing their batteries after just a year. It would be interesting to know how many sensors fail due to battery cap seal leakage, before and after a battery replacement.

If towing, I fully recommend a TPMS, along with a rear view camera.
The piece of mind is worth the cost, IMO
No one ever said this was going to be cheap.


I first used a TireTracker several years ago which quit working after 3-years. I replaced that with the TST which has given me no problems in the last 6-years of use. The only difficulty was with the programming of the unit. However, the TST people easily assisted me by phone to finish the task. The tire sensors have replaceable button batteries and O-ring seals. Very easy to do. I did opt for the repeater that I placed on the back window of my RB and powered it from the light fixture above the toilet. Easy job. The tire pressures are within 1-3-lb. of my gauge. I used non-pass through sensors that require a special security wrench to remove. Still easy to do. TSTdoes offer the pass-through sensors. 
Mike, 2010RB

First, a big thank you to those who do the heavy lifting on the LDO forum and make it possible for newbies like me to read and learn from those willing to share their expertise and experience.

I think it had a lot to do with my positive experience using a few of the products and services recommended by others on this site during this recent string of unplanned LD related events over the past couple of weeks.

It started with installing the 2nd hand TST 507 TPMS that I found didn't work due to a broken antennae solder connection.

That led to an email to TST support, which promptly replied I could make a warranty claim since it was under 3yrs old or upgrade to the latest color version for $99.

Mike Benson,, said they are offering the new color monitor to existing customers at a "discount" and others if they call and ask.

Ordered a new TST 507 cap set that comes with a color monitor, 4 sensors, and repeater for $318 since I wanted 4 more sensors for the toad.  Plus I sent in the old one for the warranty claim and both arrived within a week.

Went to install the TPMS again before our trip and developed a valve stem leak on the outer curbside dually when testing out the new TPMS.

Dropped off the LD at Les Schwab in Elk Grove who replaced the valve stem for free but also put on a stem that was too short and not centered on the hole since they said that was all they had.

Left for the trip with the TPMS gadgets in the box and minus one wheel cover since it touched the edge of the new valve stem when installed.

Returned to S&B from a trip and checked the tire pressure the next day and discovered the valve stem on the inner curbside dually was broken off at the base.

Called Progressive Insurance partnered with USAA on the chance it was covered under the roadside assistance and it was.  The service tech showed up at the S&B within 30min of calling and put on the spare.

Called Six Robbless and ordered the DL1EC brass Dually valve kit for less than anywhere else I could find - you have to call since they do not list the valve stems on their site.  Received the tracking number via email within a couple of hours.

So, all in all, we got a ton of good info out of this event and trip.  Found out TST now has a color monitor, good support and warranty policy, Les Schwab has good customer service but should probably not be the ones to install the new valves without more direction, Progressive insurance partnered with USAA has excellent roadside assistance - at least in Sacramento area, Six Robblees has excellent customer service and prices, and the LD can go at least 5hrs and 250mi on half a dually though not recommended.

Sometimes things go your way - whew!

Rich Meek

I've been using the Tire Minder TM66 since we started traveling in our LD. Along with the TPMS, be sure to pick up an accurate tire pressure gauge that you will need to insure the TPMS accuracy.

My first choice of pressure gauges was the Tire Minder Analog (needle style read out) gauge but found that accurately assessing the pressure very difficult. This required me to take the tire stem sensor of the TPMS off several times before I could find the right pressure. Very frustrating to say the least.

I recently purchased the Tire Minder Digital pressure guage and while I haven't used it yet I can only imagine how much easier it will be to see what pressure I have added to the tires.

Picked mine up on Amazon for $25. it's the best price I have found for this particular guage. I believe the video states the guage is accurate to +/- 1 psi but the package states it to be accurate to +/- 2 psi. Still not bad and a better option than its analog kin.

A good TPMS is essential. Makes heading down the road so much more relaxing. You have enough to think about while driving your new LD. Like what's for lunch or where is the nearest Starbucks.

Kent H

Nov. 2017