Monday, August 24, 2009

Where to Mount a Whole House Inverter

I mounted the inverter on my MB in the outside left compartment that's just under the battery box which is below thefridge. The Prosine is mounted on edge at the forward end of the compartment, up as high as possible. The upper mounting flange requires no fastener as it fits up between a wood cleat and the
plastic compartment side. Temporarily block the Prosine up in position
and drill  the lower flange mounting holes for 3 bolts.

This location will have the unit's cooling fan blowing out the rear,
inboard end. I used a length of plastic tubing to route this exhaust
out a screened hole I drilled in the back of the compartment. I put a
deflector in front of this hole to assist drawing the air out with a
low pressure zone. Intake air is via a screened hole at the back of
the compartment. (Subsequent to this write-up, and driving some dusty dirt
roads, I found it's desirable to add a dust filter to the air intake.)

This location also makes for an easy AC wiring run down the inboard
side of the water tank. The converter is tossed and a small breaker
box (Home Depot) is installed in its place. The new box contains the
main breaker for the Prosine and a new breaker for the air conditioner. The
air conditioner is placed on its own breaker which is supplied AC only from
shore power or the genset. If it were left on the original AC buss, it may
accidentally be powered by the Prosine inverter, which would overload the

A further advantage of this outside storage bin location is its proximity to
the battery box. If you are going to have the full Prosine 2000 watt output available, then those DC leads going to the Prosine are going to be prodigious -
4/0 welding cable. Running the microwave on the inverter (very doable by the
way) draws about 170 amps from the battery bank/s.

Contributor: bumper
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