Thursday, April 22, 2021

Water Damage From A Cracked End Cap

I have heard about water damage since I bought our rig in 2007. I was proactive in sealing the roof after 6 years. I thought checking the seams every year would keep me safe. Wrong.

OK, I have an alibi. A health issue prevented me from inspecting the rig from July 2019 to September 2020. I knew in July 2019 that a few droplets of water had entered from up high, had run down the passenger side wall, and left a trace mark on the plywood of the couch. So I knew something was going on, but it was not a big issue and I could not do anything about it at the time.

Finally, in October 2020, I sealed the tiny cracks in the end caps. Though I could not believe the tiny hairline cracks were a problem. I felt I had solved the problem and covered the rig.

The following January - We had long planned to remove/replace the wallpaper below the rear window that had wrinkled. I thought wrinkling was from repeated condensation on the metal window frame. I had wiped off condensation many mornings over the years. Anyway, time to address the issue.

When I started removing the wallpaper I found the 1/8 ply the paper is glued to was soft and rotten. It had also gotten to the framing in the corner. Mostly just discolored. No structural damage.

The FG insulation was soaking wet almost a foot up. Was it wicked up? Or was it water coming down?

When I removed the side valance to get access to the corner, I noticed that water had streaked down to the place that I first noticed a little discoloration on the plywood couch frame. I had checked the seams but will be checking again. 

It has been 8 weeks since I patched the end caps and no moisture is evident.
I have replaced the luan and will attach it with screws to make an inspection port so I can easily check on it.

The luan will be covered with some plastic tiles, shown in the last photo that kinda blend with the wallpaper. Bless LD for not using a pattern. That would be a much bigger job.

Moral, Keep on checking your rig on a regular basis by pressing on the plywood in then walls around windows.

What I found

Covered with WEST System epoxy

Luan underlay

To be covered with these stick on tiles

Products used

Sealed the wood with epoxy

Used to seal the seams that are painted white. Close match to Ford White. Thin bead. Clean up with MEK if you can find it. [5/23 ACE Hardware is now selling a MEK Substitute]  Paint thinner works, but not as well. Wear old clothes

5200 is also available in black to seal window frames

Clear tape used to seal cracks in endcaps where they are painted a color other than white